My Wii's

It's cool to have 2!
My 360 w/ Red Lights

Took this 2 weeks ago.
KH3 Soldier

Graphics are awesome!
Thursday, September 13, 2007
My 1st Wii
Well recently, i've decided that I am going to eBay off my 1st Wii. Also, i'm going to be selling my old PS2 with about 60 games. If anyone would like to buy anything e-mail me at Well anyway, I plan on using the money to buy myself either an Xbox 360 Elite, the new Halo 3 Xbox 360, or a PS3. If anyone would like to help out with my decision, please leave a comment below. I am still working on my reviews of BioShock and Halo 2 as well as a few more games. Be back soon!
Sunday, September 9, 2007
I'ts Been a While...
Well, it's been about two whole months since my last update. I've been pretty busy lately. (Obssession over Transformers: The Game) Well anyway my Xbox 360 came back on July 26th. I was soooooooo happy. I've been working on alot of game reviews lately and hopefully will have them posted all this week. I have reviews of BioShock, Halo 2 (Just so excited for Halo 3), Red Steel, and many more. Anyway, about a month ago I pre-ordered a copy of Halo 3. (Normal edition, not legendary) The reason that I didn't get the legendary is because all it will have is a shiny limited edition game case (I can buy that on eBay) and a Master Chief helmet (I can also buy that on eBay). I just feel that there's no need to buy the legendary when those extras will be way cheaper on eBay. So, i'll be posting updates on my status with my reviews.
Friday, July 6, 2007
Kingdom Hearts 3 Trailer Impressions
Well, I recently watched the new trailer for Kingdom Hearts 3. It is not the one at the end of KH2. It is new and comes at the end of KH2 Final Mix, which is only available In Japan. Anyway the new trailer shows a continuation from the previous one. It starts off as the other trailer then changes. The three soldiers in armor are shown in a wastleland, and an old man comes from above on a cliff. The strange thing is that he is wearing the same clothes that Xehanort's heartless wore in KH1. Another strange thing is that beside him is a figure that is wearing the outfit that Xehanort controlled Riku wore in KH1, and that Riku's clone wore in Chain of Memories. As one of the soldiers attacked the old man, he stopped when he saw that the man was holding one of the other soldiers hostage. The man then sort of froze his body and he dropped off the high cliff. The soldier ran down to see the body. It showed the face, which I must say looked like Roxas alot. There were 2 of the soldiers left. The old man then fired some dark energy wave into the sky which opened some dark gateway or portal. Then the scene moves on to Mickey standing with his Keyblade in this wasteland.
Well, my theory is that either this is the past and Mickey went into the past to help these soldiers. Or, this is the future and that old man is the remains of Xehanort's heartless along with Riku's clone from CoM. (Which by the way was not destroyed) So, I am really hyped up for this game's release. It looks very good. Especially the graphics! I just hope Square Enix will make it multi-platform, not just for the PS3.
Well, my theory is that either this is the past and Mickey went into the past to help these soldiers. Or, this is the future and that old man is the remains of Xehanort's heartless along with Riku's clone from CoM. (Which by the way was not destroyed) So, I am really hyped up for this game's release. It looks very good. Especially the graphics! I just hope Square Enix will make it multi-platform, not just for the PS3.
2nd Wii
I have a beach house, and sometimes it gets boring. So, well this actually was a random thing. But, I went to Toysrus, to see if they had any Wii games in (I only have 4, but I was particularly looking for Red Steel because of my broken one! Damn!) stock. I walked up to the counter and asked the guy out of curiosity, (I like to laugh at people when I have something they want) did they have any Wii's in stock. I was shocked at his reply. He leaned in and quietly said, "We have 4 left." My jaw dropped. Since the other Wii I have to share with people, I couldn't bring it to my beach house. I said to the guy, "I'll take one." Now, you may be asking yourself, "Why is he buying a Wii when he already has one?" Well, the answer is, normally i'd bring the 360 and be occupied, but as I said in another post, its at Microsoft for repairs. So, I was bored as crap. Well, anyways, back to the story. As the guy took out the Wii he hid it behind the counter as I paid. Quickly, he took it out from behind the counter and slipped it in the bag. But, sure enough, a guy was coming up to buy Guitar Hero 2 for 360 (Which I will soon be reviewing) and saw what was in my bag, and screamed "Oh my god! Wii!" Everyone came running up to the counter and that one guy said "How many are left!?" The guy replied, "3" He took out his wallet and swiped his credit card through. Then, the other 2 people behind him got the other 2. So, I got my 2nd Wii. I also picked up Red Steel afterwards at GameStop because Toysrus was out. Now I sort of feel like it was all a waste though.
Red Steel Destroyed
OMG! I got so pissed yesterday when I came home. I wanted to fire up some Red Steel on my Wii. I looked through my games and came to Red Steel. I opened the case only to find that it was gone! I looked everywhere for it. Finally I found it under my couch. My brother had took it and put it there. When I put it in the Wii, I was waiting for the damn disc to spin on the screen and Red Steel would appear, but, it didn't load the disc so I took it out. I looked at it and there was a light stain on the disc. It was freakin' soda! So, now it is broken and I will have to spend another $50.00 to get it again. I had just gotten to the gun course where you get slo-mo! I'm really pissed off!!!
Xbox 360 Broke
While guys, I decided to start giving updates about what's going on in my gaming world. Well, in early June, my Xbox 360 started to freeze while I was playing. I let it go for about 2 weeks. It's now like June 18th. I start to think that my Halo 2 disc is messed up or scratched. This is because my demos in the dashboard froze while Halo 2 was in the disc drive. Nope, wrong. I took out Halo 2 and fired up Rainbow Six. Still freezing, but this time I got 3 red lights flashing on the LED face. After that, each time it would give me the 3 lights. It lasted about 8 days and finally I went to youtube and looked for some videos with answers. I watched some videos about the "towel trick" (you wrap your 360 in 2 towels and let it sit, on, for 10 minutes, then take it out and let it cool for 5). It didn't really work for me. When my 360 turned on I was shocked.
The excitement only lasted for about 4-5 minutes when I was browsing my 99 messages I missed over the weeks, it froze. I fired it up again and, wait for it, 3 red lights!!! So, last Monday I called Microsoft and they said they would send a prepaid shipping box. I waited and finally this Monday, I recieved it. I put it in and followed the instructions. On Tuesday I brought it to UPS. Due to shipping policies, they had to wait 1 day to send it. Then, on Wednesday, i'm all happy saying finally it'll be sent out. Then I realize that, wait, it's 4th of July, no shipping today. Damnit!!! Now i'm hoping that it will really only take 5 buisiness days. But, wait, buisiness days don't count on weekends. So, I should have it back in approximately, 7 freaking days. I know that's not really much, but to me that's agony. I have to wait until the damn 12th!!! This sucks!!!
The excitement only lasted for about 4-5 minutes when I was browsing my 99 messages I missed over the weeks, it froze. I fired it up again and, wait for it, 3 red lights!!! So, last Monday I called Microsoft and they said they would send a prepaid shipping box. I waited and finally this Monday, I recieved it. I put it in and followed the instructions. On Tuesday I brought it to UPS. Due to shipping policies, they had to wait 1 day to send it. Then, on Wednesday, i'm all happy saying finally it'll be sent out. Then I realize that, wait, it's 4th of July, no shipping today. Damnit!!! Now i'm hoping that it will really only take 5 buisiness days. But, wait, buisiness days don't count on weekends. So, I should have it back in approximately, 7 freaking days. I know that's not really much, but to me that's agony. I have to wait until the damn 12th!!! This sucks!!!
Wednesday, July 4, 2007
Kingdom Hearts 2
The Kingdom Hearts series is an action RPG. Well, I know that Kingdom Hearts 2 is an already "old" game, but I think it's awesome. That is exactly why I am reviewing it. Kingdom Hearts 2 is the sequel to the story of a kid named Sora, who was teleported to an alternate world where he met Donald and Goofy. But enough of that, because if you're reading this, then you've played KH1. So you know the storyline.
Kingdom Hearts II continues Kingdom Hearts' style of gameplay. Sora, the main character, is controlled by the player from a 3rd person camera angle. Most gameplay occurs on interconnected field maps where battles take place. The game is driven by a proggression to the next story event, usually told through cut scenes, which the game has many of. Though there are numerous side quests available that provide bonus stuff for the characters.
The game has added many new weapons and the talked about drive ability. The drive bar is a set of 4 forms that Sora can transfrom into, Valor, Wisdom, Master, and Final. Each has a certain effect on different types of enemies. One of my personal favorites is the Wisdom Form, because you can hover while in it. Also your Keyblade turns into a gun.
Overall, Kingdom Hearts 2 is a very good game compared to the last one. Good job to Square Enix for all the improvements. I'm just dissapointed that it took 4 years. Who knows how long it will take for KH3. Estimates on the internet say mid-2009. Who knows?
I give Kingdom Hearts 2: (4.8 out of 5)
Kingdom Hearts II continues Kingdom Hearts' style of gameplay. Sora, the main character, is controlled by the player from a 3rd person camera angle. Most gameplay occurs on interconnected field maps where battles take place. The game is driven by a proggression to the next story event, usually told through cut scenes, which the game has many of. Though there are numerous side quests available that provide bonus stuff for the characters.
The game has added many new weapons and the talked about drive ability. The drive bar is a set of 4 forms that Sora can transfrom into, Valor, Wisdom, Master, and Final. Each has a certain effect on different types of enemies. One of my personal favorites is the Wisdom Form, because you can hover while in it. Also your Keyblade turns into a gun.
Overall, Kingdom Hearts 2 is a very good game compared to the last one. Good job to Square Enix for all the improvements. I'm just dissapointed that it took 4 years. Who knows how long it will take for KH3. Estimates on the internet say mid-2009. Who knows?
I give Kingdom Hearts 2: (4.8 out of 5)
Gears of War
Gears of War is a third-person shooter for the Xbox 360. The game centers on the soldiers of Delta Squad as they fight to save the human inhabitants of the planet Sera from a relentless subterranean enemy called The Locust. The player is the character Marcus Fenix, a former prisoner and war soldier. In co-op, the second player plays as Marcus' friend and fellow soldier Dominic Santiago, or "Dom". The two soldiers join Delta Squad and battle The Locust throughout the campaign.
Co-op in Gears of War allows two players to play through the game from start to finish. The game offers the ability to invite players on the user's friends list and have them join the player’s game to help them out. The game chooses each player's character depending on certain factors. The first player or multiplayer game host plays as Marcus while the second player plays as Dom. Co-op differs from the single-player game in some ways. On the parts of levels that offer multiple paths, the first player chooses their own path and that forces the other player onto the other path. Both players are separated and each have to deal with separate parts of the level. If either player is downed while on these split paths, both characters will begin from the last checkpoint. While outside these paths the players can revive each other.
The AI in this game I personally thought was excellent. The Locust and especially the Kryll scared the heck out of me when I turned to see them in my face. Or even the thrill of running from the Kryll due to the fact that they can instantly kill you. The Berserkers had awesome AI. I mean they turn at you and just keep charging until you're dead. In the train mission, I recommend co-op, because on the train, one person can distract the Berserker so you can focus on the switch and luring him over.
The Xbox Live in Gears of War is really not that good though. Ranked matches are extremely annoying because you have to wait for the whole round to end to respawn. The multiplayer maps are very repetitive. As in downloadable new mappacks compared to old maps.
Overall, Gears of War is an extremely good game. It is tons of fun to play. The Xbox Live online multiplayer is repetetive and can be very annoying at times. So, you could say I have mixed feelings about this game. The AI and campaign mode are excellent though. Basically, just go buy the game.
I give Gears of War : (4.4 out of 5)
Co-op in Gears of War allows two players to play through the game from start to finish. The game offers the ability to invite players on the user's friends list and have them join the player’s game to help them out. The game chooses each player's character depending on certain factors. The first player or multiplayer game host plays as Marcus while the second player plays as Dom. Co-op differs from the single-player game in some ways. On the parts of levels that offer multiple paths, the first player chooses their own path and that forces the other player onto the other path. Both players are separated and each have to deal with separate parts of the level. If either player is downed while on these split paths, both characters will begin from the last checkpoint. While outside these paths the players can revive each other.
The AI in this game I personally thought was excellent. The Locust and especially the Kryll scared the heck out of me when I turned to see them in my face. Or even the thrill of running from the Kryll due to the fact that they can instantly kill you. The Berserkers had awesome AI. I mean they turn at you and just keep charging until you're dead. In the train mission, I recommend co-op, because on the train, one person can distract the Berserker so you can focus on the switch and luring him over.
The Xbox Live in Gears of War is really not that good though. Ranked matches are extremely annoying because you have to wait for the whole round to end to respawn. The multiplayer maps are very repetitive. As in downloadable new mappacks compared to old maps.
Overall, Gears of War is an extremely good game. It is tons of fun to play. The Xbox Live online multiplayer is repetetive and can be very annoying at times. So, you could say I have mixed feelings about this game. The AI and campaign mode are excellent though. Basically, just go buy the game.
I give Gears of War : (4.4 out of 5)
Pokemon Diamond and Pearl
Well, I got Pokemon Diamond on launch day, and, for the most part, I must say that I was greatly impressed at how much Nintendo's main franchise has improved over 2 years. The game may still be the storyline of: "Catching Pokemon and training them as well as getting badges, which all leads up to beating the Elite Four."
In Pokemon Diamond and Pokemon Pearl, the storyline basically follows that of the show "Pokemon Diamond and Pearl" (By the way Nintendo, very original.) Anyway you start out as a kid who lives in the Sinnoh region, along with his best friend. While wondering the area, you travel to the nearby lake to find Proffesor Rowan who has just recently returned from a vacation, along with his new assisstant, Dawn. After they leave, you and your friend notice that the Proffesor left behind his briefcase. Upon encountering wild Pokemon, you and your friend use the Pokemon inside to defend yourselves. After that, and returning the briefcase to Proffesor Rowan, he rewards you two with the Pokemon that you chose. As usual, your rival accquires the Pokemon that has a type advantage against your Pokemon. But, due to a third rival, Dawn, she recieves the Pokemon that you have a type advantage against. When all of that is completed you go back your home in Twinleaf Town. Your mom gives you the running shoes, which allow you to run instead of walk by holding B. Then, you finally set off on your adventure.
Now that the main storyline is out of the way, let's get to new features. In Pokemon Diamond and Pokemon Pearl, there have been many new features added to the franchise. One of them includes the use of 3-D graphics! Finally, a Pokemon game for a handheld that has 3-D! Only certain scenes contain 3-D features in them. But, Pokemon Centers and Poke Marts as well as houses are designed in 3-D. The detail isn't that great, but it's an improvement.
After graphics, we have the Global Trade Station and Wi-Fi. WOW! The first Pokemon game to have Wi-Fi. The Wi-Fi comes hand-in-hand with the new GTS, or, Global Trade Station. The GTS allows players to trade other users across the globe, that's right, not just the nation, the planet. You can also put up your own Pokemon for trade and offer for someone else's. Also, another feature that comes with Wi-Fi is the option to battle people across the globe on the second floor of any Pokemon Center.
There are, of course, two new main legendary Pokemon, Dialga for Diamond, Palkia for Pearl. Now, the odd thing about these Pokemon is the fact that they come on a very random and strange level. Normally, a legendary Pokemon would appear on around level 70. These two, however, appear on level 47. Yup, it's weird alright. Totally random. Supposedly there is something about these Pokemon that seperates them from others. This is because they were once a Pokemon combine, called Arceus, which is unobtainable nless through a special Nintendo event that hasn't arrived in the U.S. yet, or through an Action Replay(like I did).
Pokemon Diamond and Pearl has been reported as the Pokemon game with the most legendaries in it. There are 13 of them. They are: Dialga, Palkia, Arceus, Shaymin, Darkrai, Rotom, Regigigas, Azelf, Uxie, Mesprit, Cresselia, Heatran, and Giratina.
Overall, Pokemon Diamond and Pearl are very good games, considering all of the improvements that have been made over 2 years. This is no doubt my favorite set of all of the Pokemon games ever to have been released. Hopefully, there will be a third installment to the set. I am looking forward to more Pokemon games for years to come!
I give Pokemon Diamond and Pearl: (4.6 out of 5)
In Pokemon Diamond and Pokemon Pearl, the storyline basically follows that of the show "Pokemon Diamond and Pearl" (By the way Nintendo, very original.) Anyway you start out as a kid who lives in the Sinnoh region, along with his best friend. While wondering the area, you travel to the nearby lake to find Proffesor Rowan who has just recently returned from a vacation, along with his new assisstant, Dawn. After they leave, you and your friend notice that the Proffesor left behind his briefcase. Upon encountering wild Pokemon, you and your friend use the Pokemon inside to defend yourselves. After that, and returning the briefcase to Proffesor Rowan, he rewards you two with the Pokemon that you chose. As usual, your rival accquires the Pokemon that has a type advantage against your Pokemon. But, due to a third rival, Dawn, she recieves the Pokemon that you have a type advantage against. When all of that is completed you go back your home in Twinleaf Town. Your mom gives you the running shoes, which allow you to run instead of walk by holding B. Then, you finally set off on your adventure.
Now that the main storyline is out of the way, let's get to new features. In Pokemon Diamond and Pokemon Pearl, there have been many new features added to the franchise. One of them includes the use of 3-D graphics! Finally, a Pokemon game for a handheld that has 3-D! Only certain scenes contain 3-D features in them. But, Pokemon Centers and Poke Marts as well as houses are designed in 3-D. The detail isn't that great, but it's an improvement.
After graphics, we have the Global Trade Station and Wi-Fi. WOW! The first Pokemon game to have Wi-Fi. The Wi-Fi comes hand-in-hand with the new GTS, or, Global Trade Station. The GTS allows players to trade other users across the globe, that's right, not just the nation, the planet. You can also put up your own Pokemon for trade and offer for someone else's. Also, another feature that comes with Wi-Fi is the option to battle people across the globe on the second floor of any Pokemon Center.
There are, of course, two new main legendary Pokemon, Dialga for Diamond, Palkia for Pearl. Now, the odd thing about these Pokemon is the fact that they come on a very random and strange level. Normally, a legendary Pokemon would appear on around level 70. These two, however, appear on level 47. Yup, it's weird alright. Totally random. Supposedly there is something about these Pokemon that seperates them from others. This is because they were once a Pokemon combine, called Arceus, which is unobtainable nless through a special Nintendo event that hasn't arrived in the U.S. yet, or through an Action Replay(like I did).
Pokemon Diamond and Pearl has been reported as the Pokemon game with the most legendaries in it. There are 13 of them. They are: Dialga, Palkia, Arceus, Shaymin, Darkrai, Rotom, Regigigas, Azelf, Uxie, Mesprit, Cresselia, Heatran, and Giratina.
Overall, Pokemon Diamond and Pearl are very good games, considering all of the improvements that have been made over 2 years. This is no doubt my favorite set of all of the Pokemon games ever to have been released. Hopefully, there will be a third installment to the set. I am looking forward to more Pokemon games for years to come!
I give Pokemon Diamond and Pearl: (4.6 out of 5)
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